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Unbreakable Ep realease tour 09

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MessagePosté le: Sam 14 Fév 2009 18:21    Sujet du message: Unbreakable Ep realease tour 09 Répondre en citant


We still need some shows especially in germany, but also in the rest of europe, so get in touch if your interrested in doing a show with Unbreakable & Wrist rocket as soon as posssible.

Also check out our new tune on

More Info:

Dear Promoters,

Unbreakable and Wrist rocket is heading for a Scandinavia/Europe tour in April/May.

(Stavanger, Norway)
www. myspace.
For fans of Terror, Agnostic front, Sworn Enemy++

Straight out of Stavanger, in the southwest corner of Norway, Unbreakable started in early 2007 with the goal of playing hard, straightforward hardcore and giving something back to a scene that has given them so much.

Since then, they've accomplished a lot, including a demo and 4 European tours all throughout the mainland, as well as Scandinavia. As a four piece, each member of the band is dedicated to making progress and giving this their all, straight up and sincere, without any tough guy poses or superficial, meaningless lyrical content.

Their songs are about topics deemed important by the band, like friendship, loyalty, self-respect, standing up for yourself, and voicing your own opinions.

Wrist Rocket
(Stavanger, Norway)
www. myspace.
For fans of H2O, Set your goals, Kid dynamite++

Wrist rocket got the sound of many well known pop punks band like Blink 182, Lagwagon and so on, but still they manage to stand out from those bands with Hardcore elements like a lot of gang vocals, tempo changes and fast beats. songs are about topics like; good and bad times, to get back on your feet and unity in the Hardcore/Punk scene.

Tour period:
April 23rd – May 3rd

Tour rider:
A tour rider will follow.
Expect the usual; Accommodation, food, gas money ++

If you are interested in putting up a show with Unbreakable and Wrist rocket for this deal get back to us as soon as possible and we will give you available dates.

Contact: /

www. myspace. com/unbreakablevkhc / www. myspace.

Currently listening:
Nothing to Prove
By H2O
Release date: 2008-05-27
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