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1st and 10 held court today to decide

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MessagePosté le: Jeu 10 Oct 2019 4:30    Sujet du message: 1st and 10 held court today to decide Répondre en citant

when the Broncos should draft a defensive lineman."WhiteFanposts Fanshots Sections Broncos NewsBroncos 2019 Draft ClassBroncos PodcastsBroncos 2019 ScheduleKey Offseason DatesCommunity RulesFull ArchiveBroncos StoriesScheduleRosterStatsOdds Shop About Masthead Community Guidelines StubHub ?Broncos podcastsThe Broncos can wait for a defensive linemanNew Carlos Henderson Jersey ,37comments1st and 10 held court today to decide when the Broncos should draft a defensive lineman. The Broncos can wait for a defensive linemanDuring the lead up to the draft Ryan Edwards, Andrew Mason and Steve Atwater have been arguing different points of view about what the Denver Broncos should do. On 1st and 10 on Orange and Blue 760 the interior defensive linemen had their day in court.During the arguments, Steve and Mase squared off. Steve argued that Denver should consider taking a D-lineman with an early round pick, while Mase made the case for waiting.Both arguments have their merits, and it will be interesting to see what Denver does.In Steve’s eyes, picking an interior defensive lineman early could be the key to winning. He used both the Rams and the Patriots as examples. The Rams boasted 2 first round picks on the defensive line in Aaron Donald and Ndamukong Suh, while Malcom Brown was the Patriots first round pick in the 2015 draft. Steve’s main argument ended with the names of players that will definitely go in the first two rounds Demarcus Walker Jersey , but would also look good in orange and blue. Quinnen Williams, Ed Oliver, Christian Wilkins, Dre’mont Jones. Steve made a good point, but Mase also pointed out some compelling reasons for waiting. Most of all, the depth of the position in this year’s draft. Names like Daylon Mack of Texas A&M, Greg Gaines out of Washington Garett Bolles Jersey , and Trysten Hill from Central Florida will be available in the later rounds. Denver could wait, and still find a player that could become the answer on the line.Ryan took both arguments into consideration, but had to rule in favor of value. Value means waiting. This draft is hard to figure, but if Denver does target a defensive lineman, it appears they can’t go wrong taking one in any round. If the Jets were interested in talking to Peyton Manning about their General Manager job, they never let Manning know directly.Word earlier this month was that Manning isn’t interested in taking over the job in the wake of Mike Maccagnan’s firing. After playing a round with Tiger Woods at The Memorial pro-am in Ohio on Wednesday, Manning didn’t say whether the job was of any interest because it wasn’t something that ever came up for discussion.“Nobody ever contacted me … And I’m not sure I was qualified anyway DaeSean Hamilton Jersey ,” Manning said, via Mark Cannizzaro of the .Opinions will vary about Manning’s qualifications, but it appears to be a moot point as far as the Jets’ job is concerned.Eagles vice president of player personnel Joe Douglas and Seahawks co-director of player personnel Scott Fitterer are set to interview with the Jets with Bears assistant director of player personnel Champ Kelly, Vikings assistant G.M. George Paton and Saints director of pro scouting Terry Fontenot also in the mix.
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