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MessagePosté le: Mar 29 Oct 2019 3:51    Sujet du message: ENGLEWOOD Répondre en citant

Shane Ray Jersey , Colo. (AP)Von Miller says he didn’t do anything wrong when on a recent shark fishing excursion in Florida that’s drawn the interest of conservation officials.The Denver Broncos star said he’s an avid hunter and fisherman who always follows the rules.”I was shocked” to catch a hammerhead shark in the first place, Miller said Tuesday in his first public comments about the excursion. Miller later released his catch back into the water.”I went fishing. Everybody knows that I hunt and fish. It’s what I do. But I also believe in conservation. I’m not just out there going crazy,” Miller said on the second day of the Broncos’ offseason program. ”We followed the rules. I did everything I was supposed to do.”The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission received complaints after Miller posted the catch on social media. The commission is investigating whether any violations occurred, although Miller said he hasn’t been contacted.”No, I haven’t talked to anybody about it. It’s a serious deal. I don’t want to be light-hearted about it,” Miller said. ”That’s just me. But we did everything we were supposed to do when it comes to that situation.”— The former "Right of Passage" practice drill is no more."WhiteFanposts Fanshots Sections Broncos NewsBroncos 2019 Draft ClassBroncos PodcastsBroncos 2019 ScheduleKey Offseason DatesCommunity RulesFull ArchiveBroncos StoriesScheduleRosterStatsOdds Shop About Masthead Community Guidelines StubHub ?NFL bans ‘Oklahoma Drill’New Justin Simmons Jersey ,100commentsThe former “Right of Passage” practice drill is no more. NFL bans ‘Oklahoma Drill’Denver Broncos / denverbroncos.comIn an effort to promote a safer culture for professional football, the NFL has banned the famous / infamous (depending on your own experience) “Oklahoma drill.”The NFL acknowledged the ban on Tuesday during its annual meeting in Florida. The league had previously analyzed data concerning high impact drills. Research showed a high rate of concussions early in training camp. There are several variations of the Oklahoma drill.The drill itself consists of two to four players. Usually, there is a defender matched against a blocker, and ball carrier.The drill is confined to a small area of space, resulting in high impact hits. Teammates and coaches alike create an intense atmosphere full of taunting, testosterone Adam Gotsis Jersey , and the anticipation of the whistle. Surviving the brawl is a feat on its own.Ask anyone who played football at any level about this drill and you’ll get one of two answers - either they loved it or hated it. The results from the drill come in pride, or humiliation. Traditionally, the drill was implicated to teach players toughness. In 2015, New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick explained the Oklahoma drill answered specific questions for him when evaluating players: “Who is a man? Who’s tough? Who’s going to hit somebody?”But for the Broncos, the ban won’t affect practice or weekly preparation. The NFL has recently worked with the NFL Players Association promoting a concussion reduction plan. The plan consists of three fundamentals: prohibiting underperforming helmet models, instituting a series of rule changes rooted in biomechanical research Jake Butt Jersey , and intervening in early training camp practices.“I think removing some of these drills across all 32 teams is the right way to do that [make greater improvements],” NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said. “We also believe by prohibiting some of these drills, that will happen at the college and high school and youth football levels, which we believe should happen.’’
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