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Julien Ravetto, grenoblois de 44 ans, a entrepris de traduire la discographie de Bad Religion. 276 chansons plus tard, il a dĂ©cidĂ© d’en faire un site internet, Bad Religion France, et d’y ajouter des vidĂ©os sous-titrĂ©es de leurs clips ou extraits de concerts.

Paul Bostaph vient de confirmer qu'il travaille en ce moment sur un nouveau projet avec Kerry King. Et, oh surprise, ça ressemblera beaucoup à Slayer.

Bane sortiront un documentaire consacré à leur derniÚre tournée. Il s'intitule Holding these Moments et sera dispo dÚs le 13 octobre chez Equal Vision Records. Une bande-annonce est à voir par ICI.


Le chanteur de Power Trip, Riley Gale, est décédé le 24 août passé. Un message du groupe est à lire ci-dessous.

>> Plus d'infos ...
"Dear Power Trip fans worldwide,

"It is with the greatest of sadness we must announce that our lead singer and brother Riley Gale passed away last night.

"Riley was a friend, a brother, a son. Riley was both a larger than life rock star and a humble and giving friend. He touched so many lives through his lyrics and through his huge heart. He treated everyone he met as a friend and he always took care of his friends. We will celebrate Riley’s life and never forget the great works of music, charity, and love that he left behind. You, the fans, meant so much to him, please know how special you are. If you have a memory of Riley please share it, no matter how small, as we remember him.

"Please respect our wishes for privacy during this time. In lieu of flowers please send donations to Dallas Hope Charities, the link to donate directly is here.

"Signed, – Rlley’s Loving Family

"P.S. Funeral and visitation arrangements are pending."

Comeback Kid nous proposent une reprise d'un morceau de SNFU, Reality is a Ride on the Bus. C'est sur la page Bandcamp du groupe que ça se passe.

Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine ont sorti une nouvelle vidéo pour We Created Putin. Elle se matte par ICI.


AprÚs quelques teasers, Deftones dévoilent enfin Ohms, le premier single de leur prochain album qui sort le 25 septembre.

Catbite ont mis en ligne leur reprise de White Riot des Clash. C'est tiré de Catbite x Omnigone [EP] et la vidéo se regarde par ICI.

Nouveau single pour le collectif The Ocean avec Oligocene. C'est par ICI que ça se passe.

Animals As Leaders ont mis en ligne un set de sept titres, enregistrĂ©s en quarantaine. C'est Ă  voir par LÀ et la liste des morceaux est dans la suite.

>> Plus d'infos ...
Inner Assassins
Tooth And Claw
Physical Education
The Woven Web

Napalm Death nous proposent un nouveau morceau intitulé Amoral, qui s'écoute par ICI et qu'on retrouvera sur leur prochain album, Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism, qui sort le 18 septembre chez Century Media.

Përl (Post Metal en français) viennent de terminer l'enregistrement de leur troisiÚme album sous la direction d'Etienne Sarthou (Aqme, Karras, Freitot...). Il devrait paraßtre courant 2021 et sera masterisé par Magnus Lindberg (Cult of Luna).


Grosse nouvelle pour les fans de Vader, ils seront bien deux soirs au Sunset de Martigny, les mardi 8 septembre et mercredi 9 septembre. Avec les mesures sanitaires du canton du Valais, la capacité est limitée à 85 places par soir et il reste à ce jour 55 billets ! Un masque sera également fourni sur place. Pour les billets (35.-), envoyez un e-mail à

Corey Taylor nous apprend que Stone Sour étaient dÚs à présent en pause à durée indéterminée.

Dans une interview de leur guitariste Jade Pudget pour le podcast A Fire Inside Out, on apprend qu'AFI ont terminé l'enregistrement d'un nouvel album. Il aurait du sortir le mois prochain mais a pour l'instant été repoussé à une date encore indéfinie.

After The Fall ont sorti une nouvelle vidĂ©o pour le morceau Resignation, extrait de l'album du mĂȘme nom.

Les Grenoblois de Liquid Flesh viennent d'annoncer les précommandes de leur nouvel album Chair Liquide, qui sera réalisé par le label bordelais Metal is Law Productions (Putrefiance, Disabled) pour le 18 septembre 2020. Faisant suite à leur premier opus Spontaneous Liquefaction, ce nouvel album a été composé en trio, avec l'arrivé de Putrid Bruce au chant et à la basse (Epitaphe, Influence Néfaste). Toujours à propos de death metal old school et de films de série B, ce nouvel album se veut plus sophistiqué mais tout aussi direct, s'inspirant des Undergang ou de classiques comme Autopsy ou Celtic Frost. Le chant en français est un hommage direct aux films noirs et d'exploitation français, aussi bien qu'à son voice acting terrible (mais culte) des années 80s. L'artwork, également d'inspiration cinématographique, est signé Luc Messina.


The Menzingers sortiront un nouvel album, From Exile, soit des nouvelles versions des morceaux de l'album Hello Exile enregistrĂ©es lors du confinement. Deux premiers extraits, High School Friend et Strawberry Mansion s'Ă©coutent respectivement ICI et LÀ.

Metallica sortiront une nouvelle version de leur concert avec un orchestre classique, S&MÂČ, le 28 aoĂ»t, et dĂ©voilent aujourd'hui un premier extrait : Moth Into Flame, tirĂ© de l'album Hardwired
To Self Destruct.

PUP viennent de mettre en ligne une reprise de A.M. 180 du groupe d'indie rock Grandaddy. C'est Ă  Ă©couter dĂšs maintenant par ICI.

Le batteur original de Machine Head, Tony Costanza, vient de décéder à l'ùge de 52 ans. Un message de Robb Flynn à ce sujet est à lire dans la suite.

>> Plus d'infos ...
So sad to hear about Tony Costanza passing away today.

The first 6 month of Machine Head’s existence happened because he joined.

I began talking to Tony around March 1992 for the first time. I can’t exactly remember how we got in touch, he was from Las Vegas and this was before the Internet, before cell phones, it’s possible that a guy who used to work for Vio-lence name Joey copobianco put me in touch with him.

We started talking on the phone about Machine Head, and eventually he relocated to the Bay Area. It seemed in a lot of ways, he was ready to start a new life, he has been the singer for the early-Grindcore band Papsmear and I had actually met him the year prior with Mitch from Napalm Death when Mitch, Shane and him came up to a show in the Bay Area

It’s a little foggy, but I want to say he might’ve moved in with me for the first few weeks he was up here. One hilarious memory I have, is of him staying the night at Genevra‘s apartment, we all got super drunk on purple Kool-Aid and fucking MOONSHINE, and apparently he had eaten some kind of Chinese squid-based dish earlier that night, later on, hammered out of his mind, threw up purple squid all over her carpet. Genevra was pissed for a minute, but we couldn’t help laugh hysterically about it later on, it was just so funny to see all these little purple squids all over the floor.

I had already fleshed out a couple of the early MH songs on the drums with my friend Gary, and then later on a whirlwind 2 day jam with Chris Kontos, but that was the only time that we had heard the songs played as a band.

So to have Tony there, regularly jamming “Death Church”, "Blood For Blood" and “Fuck It All” at the Emeryville warehouse in a room we shared with 6 other punk rock bands was pretty thrilling
 Some of the songs that he worked out with us from-the-start would’ve been "A Thousand Lies”,”I’m Your God Now”, “Nation on Fire" and “Rage to Overcome", and even part of a “Davidian” riff.

Tony was a character, funny, kind of a fabulous disaster, but a good guy with a great heart. He didn’t click with one of the band guys though, so there was always like a weird tension when he was around. But we played our first few shows with him at Mike Scum's Woolsey house in Oakland, which ended up being Machine Head's first kegger party/show.

We also played our first official club show with him at the Huntridge Theater in Las Vegas, filmed our very first video for the song “fuck it all“, recorded part of a rehearsal tape/demo with Eric Wong at Laughing Dead's studio, and we also played the LA metal fest at Gazarri's in Hollywood which was notable for the fact that we played twice, to 20 people each time, but the 2nd time, Dino from Fear Factory was there, Igor from Sepultura, the Biohazard dudes were all there, and Rick Hunolt from Exodus (all in town for a Foundations Forum), along with our friends Andy and Gary.

Chris Kontos was originally my first choice to be in Machine Head, but at the time he was pretty busy with multiple bands (Attitude Adjustment, Grinch, and Verbal Abuse) and it looked like one of them (VA) had a real shot at getting signed. So Chris went away for a while, and in that time we got Tony.

After a minute, Chris came back into the picture and volunteered to be Tony’s drum tech, (though truth be told, Chris had his eye on getting IN Machine Head more than actually helping Tony out), and basically confessed as much to Rick / Exodus while he was doing our lights at the metal fest.

Later that night when Chris told us he was up to join MH at our friends Gary‘s house, it was kind of a no-brainer.

Tony saw the writing on the wall, and quit soon after.

It was only a short 6 months that he was with us, but in many ways he helped form so many of the songs on Burn My Eyes into what they would become.
I was always grateful for everything that he did.
Tony was also a member of Crowbar during the early 2000s, and appeared on the band's 2001 album "Sonic Excess In Its Purest Form”. He played with the band Crisis and I’d like to thank Azfaal for letting me know about Tony today. To see him still rockin' a Machine Head shirt in that photo meant a lot.
We maintained a friendship throughout the 27 years since he was in the band. We talked a couple times a year, he definitely had more than a few health problems, and he did enjoy his partying
 He was a stubborn son of a bitch.

He would tell me later on that "he regretted the decision, but that it was always an honor to play in his 'favorite band ever'”.

It chokes me up to write those words Scott Sellers

Scott Sellers

Being Strange

Pity Party

Pity Party


Date de sortie : 2020

Note : 4/5



"Born & Bored"

Date de sortie : 2020

Note : 4/5

Fast Lane

Fast Lane

"Life On A Slackline Strap"

Date de sortie : 2020

Note : 4/5

Matchup, The

Matchup, The

"Straight To The Core"

Date de sortie : 2020

Note : 4/5




Date de sortie : 2018

Note : 4/5



"Circles Of Failure"

Date de sortie : 2019

Note : 4/5

Toutes les kroniks...

Among Vultures

Among Vultures

avec Edmond

ajouté le : 27.03.19



avec Groupe

ajouté le : 08.05.18

Spanish Love Songs

Spanish Love Songs

avec Dylan

ajouté le : 02.04.18

Toutes les interviews...

Live Report
A Vile Desolate Sands Tour 2019

A Vile Desolate Sands Tour 2019


Kiff - Aarau




Fri-Son - Fribourg




Nouveau Monde - Fribourg

Touts les live reports...