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Turning Cold

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Christian Eckerlein is not only the singer of TURNING COLD, he’s also a good friend of mine and this friendship started years ago. This guy has been responsible for making things a little exciting in his hometown Brugg by setting up many good quality shows. Plus we both realized we shared a common passion for the band SAMIAM on our drive back from a show we both attended. If I remember well, this crucial moment occurred last year and another « SAMIAM addict » called Sandro, better known as Pfopf, was with us (hi Pfopf !). So although this interview is supposed to be about the band TURNING COLD, I deliberately tried to make it more personal. Check it out, check out the band, and go and say hi to Christian if the chance arises once !

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rose Hi ! How are you ? How would you introduce your band to our readers ? And how would you describe your music to new listeners ? 
Hi Bastien! Thanks, I am fine. Just enjoying my holidays at the moment. Well, we’re TURNING COLD, 5 guys from Argovia and the Zurich area who do not only love to play music together, but also just share a good time amongst friends. To be honest, I always find it a bit hard to describe music with words, but let me try. Our music can be described as melodic hardcore with influences from some « newer » old school and punk-rock bands such as GO IT ALONE, CHAMPION, VERSE or even STRIKE ANYWHERE. I know these influences may sound a bit cliché, but I would honestly say that these are some of the bands that have the most influence on our songwriting.

When did you form TURNING COLD ? Why ?
At the beginning it was Dominique (guitar), his brother Michel (drums) and me who had the idea of starting a band together. After this idea was floating around in our heads for a while, we finally got together for our first rehearsal in the early summer of 2008. Back then it was the three of us and Christian on bass. We pretty soon realized that we wanted to go on with the band more seriously. This already led to our first line-up change, when Pascal replaced Christian on bass. A little while later Remo joined on the 2nd guitar and the line-up was complete. That was around fall 2008.
We formed the band because all of us loved going to shows at that time, plus Dominique and Michel had some other bands before. We wanted it to take one step further than only attending shows passively and liked the idea of starting our own thing. Also we had (and still have) the impression that there are not too many bands around in Switzerland at this time who still play this style of music that we all love so much. But most of all we just realized that we were having a lot of fun playing together the music that we have a passion for - and that is still the case, maybe more than ever before. For me, this is the most important thing: sharing a good time with friends and doing what you love to do.

You put out a demo in 2009, which I thought was quite impressive for a very first release. And then nothing ! Can we expect a new record to be released soon ?
Sorry, I have to correct you a bit here : we put the demo out in 2010, it was recorded in 2009 though. Thanks for the kind words! It was really only recorded in our bandroom and looking back, I would say that our music changed quite a bit, especially the songwriting is more elaborated now, but that’s just my opinion.
To answer your second question: yes, you can! We entered the Central Recording Studios in Zurich a few weeks ago to record a new EP! I guess that the recording will be done somewhere around late 2011 and we hope that it can be released in early 2012. There are also plans to do a split here and there, but nothing is definite yet. We are also still looking for a label to put out the record.
The reason why it took us quite a while to start the recording for our first release after the demo is mainly a line-up change on guitar and the fact that I have just recently finished my study and for this reason I've had to cut down on the band a little.
Why did the former guitar player leave ? Was it easy to find his substitute, someone willing to play this kind of music and having the same ambitions as yours, so to say ? Are you satisfied with the new guy ? 
Yes, there was a line-up change in the summer of 2010. We played together with Remo for about 2 years when we had to make up our minds for a decision that was not easy for all of us. It was not him who left, but us who decided that we wanted to go on with someone else. The reason was simply a musical one. Although we had reached an agreeable musical level, we wanted to improve our songs and work more with the two guitars So we got to a point where it was really hard to proceed with the band in this formation. We felt a lack of motivation and realized that sooner or later we would have to either take this step or stay in the same situation. As I told, this was really not easy for all of us. Luckily there was no bad blood or hard feelings between Remo and us and we still get along very well.
Yes, we found his substitute pretty quick, Kris joined the band only a few weeks later. Kris and I had known each other for a few years and also we played our first show together with his old band (A VEIN OF TRUTH). In my opinion, he is a great guitar player and a cool dude, we have got along very well together from the first day on – it was love at first sight, so to say. So that all went surprisingly easy and I really hope that we can stay in the current formation!

Christian, I know you used to set up a lot of shows at Piccadilly in Brugg, these shows were a lot of fun and sometimes pretty well-attended. It seems like these events don’t happen regularly anymore, unfortunately. Why? Is time lacking? Did the venue change its politics and refuse to put on hardcore shows now?
A lot of people have asked me about the shows in Brugg recently, so I am happy these events had some kind of meaning for quite a few people. The last show we did was in November 2010, so that’s quite a while ago. Basically, your first guess is right: I simply did not have enough time to keep doing these shows anymore, with finishing my study, having a new job, an own band, doing sports and so on. It got a bit too much. I kind of had to make up my mind and set the priorities. And although I love setting up shows, the band has priority to me. But now as I am finished with the my school, I definitely want to start doing shows again. Keep your ears open, we’re in the process of planning our „comeback“! Still, I can’t promise that there will be as many shows as in the past, as I want to put my main focus on the band. On the other hand, I also think that there are a lot of active kids around at the moment who set up shows, which I think is a really positive trend.
The venue didn’t change its politics, no. They are actually always searching for people who want to do something, be active, set things up. Unfortunately, there is not too much going on in the community of Brugg, music-culturally speaking, so I hope more and more kids take the opportunity to set up something on their own.

One more series of questions for you, Christian. You’re a social worker, just like me. That doesn’t really surprise me that much, cause I see you as a very kind and patient person, with a great ability to listen to what people have to say. I think these qualities are essential to practice this profession. Why did you choose this job? What are the main difficulties you get confronted to? 
That’s an interesting question, Bastien. I first did an apprenticeship in a bank for 3 years and afterwards did an internal programme where I should have become a client advisor. Very soon I started to realize that it didn't make me happy at all. I found my job useless, although I see and accept the role and necessity of a bank in our society as a whole. Just the way it’s done is in my opinion absolutely sick, with people being only focused on their own profits. So, basically I wanted to do something that was making sense and invest my energy in an occupation that serves other people in our society, people who are not always on the sunny side of life. Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about the « helping-syndrome », which I do not think is the right intention to become a social worker. But I honestly have the feeling that we’re living in a world that is slowly falling apart, which makes me think a lot. And although we seem to be living in a modern, progressive country, a lot of people still fall through our social networks. To me, social work is an answer to at least some of the problems in our society. It’s a profession that helps to understand, ease and hopefully solve social problems on an individual and also on a societal level. Still I think there’s a lot of progression to make for our profession, as I often have the impression that lots of people and other professions still sneer at social workers.
As I work for Caritas as a debt-advisor, I am often confronted to difficulties concerning the occupational, social and financial integration of people who ask for advice. Although the financial problems are often the ones who lead people to my office, the main problems usually lie deeper, be it problems in the family, the relationship, the job or something else. Besides that, I also do advise asylum seekers in the canton of Argovia. Which often is a pretty tough issue. Living as an asylum seeker is, at least in our canton, not really a thing to wish for. People are often stuck in this situation for years, not really being allowed to work, living in asylum homes which often are far below the standard that we are used to. Exposed to our complex legal system, they are often treated like people with less value, no one really informing them about their rights in our country. Quite often we are also just powerless towards the decisions from the authorities. But on the other hand, there are also lots of pleasant stories, for example when we can support people to learn our language and get more integrated.
I also find it really important to balance these sometimes tough situations at the job out, by having a well-balanced personal life, good social contacts and hobbies to which you are dedicated to.

I know you’ve been a vegan for years, and I’m always wondering how you can manage to keep this diet in your profession. As a vegetarian, I have to explain over and over again why I don’t eat meat and it’s quite hard to get vegan food. I mostly eat vegan at home and whenever it’s possible when I eat out but well it’s a whole different story at work…so how do keep up with veganism at work ? I’m curious !
Yeah, I experience that too, having to explain over and over why I don’t eat animal products. And usually most of people ask the same questions, so yeah, you can get tired of that. But I try to see people’s questions as a chance to tell my points of view and hopefully make them think about their own behaviour, too – without preaching to others. It’s weird at times, because veganism has become such a « normal » thing in my life and I don’t spend hours thinking about that aspect in my life anymore, although it’s very important to me. Keeping up with veganism at work is not that hard for me, as I can usually easily bring food from home, so I only cook a bit more the evening before. But I guess depending on where you work you are supposed to eat in a cantine where there is a limited choice of food? It can be hard sometimes when eating out, that’s true, as a lot of places (restaurants, etc.) don’t really have a large choice for vegans. But so far I've always been lucky enough, when I ask for vegan food, I usually get something, be it only the good old salad with some french fries. But of course it would be nice to have veganism being more accepted and vegan menus offered in more places.
Are you interested in spirituality? Where do you stand yourself spiritually? And do you think there’s a place for spirituality in punk rock and hardcore?
To be honest, I haven’t really made up my mind about this topic too much and I wouldn’t really consider myself a spiritual person. For this one, I let our drummer Michel speak:
Michel : This is a real tricky question because you could argue over years what spirituality is about. If you think that spirituality is to believe in certain values (like believing in the good, in humanity, etc.) I might even consider myself also a spiritual person. So there’s probably a place in punk and hardcore for that, and I don’t see why you couldn’t use the music for your message. As long as you don’t start some serious proselytizing it is totally okay I guess. But this is an issue we all have to deal with ourselves probably.

On the demo, it is mentioned on the lyric sheet that all songs and lyrics are by TURNING COLD, which makes me think that your band must be a haven for free speech and interactions. Do you always work as a collective ? Can anyone in the band bring ideas all the time ? 
Yeah, I would say we’re a pretty open minded band, when it comes down to this, although throughout the time the way we write songs established. A lot of times it’s Dominique and Michel who come up with the idea of a riff or even a whole song idea that lays the base. We then work out the song together, go through the arrangements and work on the details, such as the melodies for the second guitar, the base etc. The lyrics are always written by me and I do that independently from the song. I write my words down whenever an idea comes up and later try to bring it together with the music. But yeah, anyone can bring in ideas!

What are you main influences as a band ? And as individuals ?
That’s a tough one. I guess musicwise, a lot of different influences come together and we all listen to lots of different stuff, apart from hardcore. Pascal (bass) played in an alternative rock band for quite a long time and kind of got into hardcore with the shows in Brugg. Dominique and Michel have more of a „classic“ hardcore background with bands such as GORILLA BISCUITS, CHAIN OF STRENGTH, YOUTH OF TODAY, and later, CHAMPION, BETRAYED and so on. Especially Michel is also really into electronic music, rap and other stuff, but I can’t tell you the names of these bands, I have no clue about that. As for Kris and me, we both seem to have come to hardcore through the good old punk-rock. I personally also really love to listen to a lot of the emo and post-hardcore bands such as SAMIAM, SUNNY DAY REAL ESTATE, THE GET UP KIDS, MINERAL, GAMEFACE, GRADE and so on. So I would say the sound of TURNING COLD brings together some of our influences, but definitely not all. StilI I would say that we are pretty happy with our sound at the moment. It’s a common thread which we are all totally fine with!
About personal influences, I can only speak for myself. I would actually say that for example my job has quite a bit of an influence on my lyrics. The mechanisms in our society and the way humans behave make me think a lot. And sometimes it’s just experiences that I make in my personal life. I see the band as an opportunity to speak my mind about topics that really matter to me and about which I find it important to take a stand. But then there are also things about which I don’t write lyrics, for example veganism – simply because we’re not all vegans within the band and I think it's important that we can all stand behind the words I say.

What do you think of the current hardcore scene ? What are its ups and downs in your opinion ?
I think that within the past few months, or let’s say within the past year, the scene got a lot more active again. But well, actually I don’t really like the expression « scene », as this kind of gives the impression that some people belong and others do not – and I don’t like that too much. But yeah, as mentioned above, I have the impression that there are a lot of kids with good intentions around, that set up shows, go to see bands, start their own band and so on. If I just think about the past few months, there's been so many good shows to go to (at least for me). So I see a pretty positive trend and we should be happy with what we have here, it wasn’t always like this. Still I wish that there were more people that set up small DIY shows that also allow some smaller bands on tour to have a good spot to play, but even that got better, I find. So for me, there’s not too much to complain about, at the moment. I do think though that sometimes there seems to be some kind of a „clash of generations“. A lot of the younger kids seem to have gotten to hardcore in a different way and with different bands than my generation and the ones before did and I find that this just has to be accepted. For me, the hardcore scene has always been a place where I can truly be myself and speak my mind, but sometimes I feel that some people think that the „hardcore scene“ should „function“ in a certain way and that people who like this or this band, don’t really belong. Hardcore for me has always stood for certain values such as freedom of expression, non-violence, non-sexism, non-racism, non-speciesism and – most importantly – a reflected way of living your life. I find it very important to keep these values up - for me hardcore is and always will be more than music. So I try to see the intake of many younger kids as a chance to share these values and carry them on instead of refusing the next generation.

Can you please explain the meaning of the song « Hungry » ? You talk about some « shit that wants to drag you down », what is it? 
The song « Hungry » was one of the first songs we ever wrote as a band. Its main message is, that there are always so many negative things being reported – be it in the newspaper, on TV or wherever else. I sometimes get the impression that it’s intended by the media to keep us in fear, make us feeling powerless and affect our mindset negatively. So much about the „shit that wants to drag us down“. „Hungry“ describes the strife for truth, to get over all these negative affections and the will to take the chance to see beyond the negative parts in this world and not let this negativeness drag you down. Because there are (at least for me) too many good things in life, so that I don’t want to just always walk around being worried.

There’s a picture of a city included on the insert sheet of the demo. Which city is it? Why did you add it to the insert sheet ? 
The city inserted in the sheet is Barcelona, it’s a picture I took during a city trip with Alexandra, my girlfriend. To be honest, there is not a really deeper meaning to it, I just thought it was a good contrast to the images on the cover and on the back of the record. I was playing around with it a little bit and then thought that it fit the layout concept very well.
Can you tell me what are your top 5 records of all time ?
That’s another very tough one…there are so many good records around, so I almost cannot decide. I couldn’t decide for only five records if I had to ! But let’s try for now:
GO IT ALONE – « The Only Blood Between Us »
MODERN LIFE IS WAR – « Witness »
GIVE UP THE GHOST – « We’re Down Til We’re Underground »
SAMIAM – « Astray »

Thanks a lot for your time and see you soon ! 
Thank you too for your interest and for wanting to do this interview, it was a pleasure ! Keep up the good work with Skartnak! Highfive et à bientôt !

Interview : Bastien

Plus d'infos :

Label : Autoproduction

MySpace :

Site Web : Pas de site

Site du label : Pas de site

Interview cliquée : 36646 fois

Chroniques du même artiste :

Turning Cold

Turning Cold

"Demo 2010"

Date de sortie : 2010

Note: 4/5

Live Reports du même artiste :



Trapped Under Ice, Alpha&Omega, Turning Cold

Date : 11.11.10

Lieu : Dynamo Werk 21 - Zürich

Understage Festival 2009

Understage Festival 2009

Teamkiller, More Than Ever, Car Drive Anthem, Deadverse, Come Closer, Unveil, Turning Cold

Date : 16.05.09

Lieu : Piccadilly - Brugg (AG)

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PO Box

PO Box





Liste des commentaires :


Oui Brugglyn ça tue! Et c'est la Mecque des porteurs de matelas! Kevin comprendra!

Posté le : 26.10.2011 à 00:37


Merci pour l'interview! Brugglyn for life!

Posté le : 25.10.2011 à 20:59


Merci beaucoup mon cher Circle Pete! Ca va droit au coeur! En effet, ça aide complètement de connaître la personne! Mais en toute sincérité, j'ai appris des choses sur son groupe et sur lui en faisant cette interview. Ce n'est pas comme si je connaissais déjà les réponses avant de lui poser les questions. Et si ça peut promouvoir le groupe un minimum, alors c'est génial et le but est atteint!

Posté le : 19.10.2011 à 08:38


Sympa (j'ai envie de dire "Comme d'hab" ^^) cette petite interview Bastien ! Et avec de belles réponses de leur part !

Bon il faut quand même avouer que le fait de bien connaître la personne en face aide pas mal à augmenter la pertinence des questions et des réponses ;-)

Vivement les prochains concerts au Piccadilly !!!

Posté le : 19.10.2011 à 07:41

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